Be helpful to co-workers and teammates by setting your out of office status and a message to let people know you're not working or on vacation.
This will also avoid someone eagerly trying to contact you when you are trying to enjoy your planned time off.
If your out of office is enabled, when others send you a chat message via teams for example, they shall see your out of office reply and get informed that you are unavailable. Your out of office status also synchronizes with automatic replies in your Outlook calendar.
Schedule your Out of Office status right from your Teams profile picture
- In TEAMS, click on your Profile Picture located at the top header of Teams, and select Set Status Message
At the bottom of the Options, Select Schedule Out of Office
- From the screen that appears, turn ON the toggle switch next to Turn on automatic replies
Type an out of office message in the Out of office message text box.
This message will appear when people contact you in Teams or open your profile. It shall also be sent as an automatic reply in Outlook.
- If you want to send an automatic message to people outside of your organization,
Select the check box next to Send replies outside my organization and choose between your contacts or all external senders.
You can tailor your out of office message to this audience, or use the same message you typed above by copying/pasting it into the text box.
Selecting the check box next to Send replies only during a time period, let's you send the message based on when you'll be out of the office. Pick the dates and times that your out of office message and status should start and stop displaying
- Select the Save button