
User generates a custom form and tries to view it in the browser.

The file is not shown and the user receives the message "We can't open this file   Something went wrong."


CSI Permissions must be granted to Customer Reports (e.g. RE_PurchaseOrderDetailViewer)


  1. Login to CSI as an Admin
  2. OPEN the Groups Form
  3. Filter the form by Groups, and select the most accurate group to add your custom report too.
    (For example, the built-in authorization group Purchasing has permissions to run the vendor version of the PurchaseOrderDetailViewer)
  4. CLICK on the Group Authorizations Button
  5. In the Object Authorization for Group Form, ADD a new record for the object
    (e.g. ObjectName = RE_PurchaseOrderDetailViewer)
  6. SAVE the Form
  7. VERIFY that the user is assigned to the Authorization Group

Afterwards, have the user generate an view a form to confirm.