Employees are assigned an email address within the company-wide email domain (RandolphUSA.com). In some business roles a mailbox may be granted additional alias names for use in messaging communications which appear to be from another email address. Aliases are used for channeling messages through a business role Vs. your personal user email. Alias email domains may also be used to support company branding in customer communications.
Prior to the following steps, IT must assign a valid alias email address to your mailbox.
Follow these steps to send an email via Microsoft 365 Outlook, using your alias:
- Open OUTLOOK and create a New Message
- If the FROM selection button is not shown, you must enable it. Must users only have one mailbox and one from address, so for convenience the FROM field is not normally displayed for selection. If you do not see the FROM address selection on your new email header, you must enable this feature. From a New Message, select the Options tab, and Click the From to enable showing this field.
- Use the FROM selection to select an email alias address you've used recently.
Use the X to remove a recently used alias, if you no longer want it appearing in this easy access drop-down list.
- To use an email alias NOT yet listed for your mailbox, select the Other Email Address... option.
Then, enter a valid alias address assigned to your mailbox.
- When you click the OK button, your alias will appear as the from address in your message header.
Contact the Help Desk if you need additional guidance or assistance with this email feature.