This article describes how you can enable or disable the receipt of your Voicemails as audio files to your email.

Using your Mitel Connect APP, navigate to Settings and then to the Notifications section.

Check the box to "Send email notifications.... "   -- to enable this feature

Check the box to "Attach voicemail as a wave file" -- to have copies of the audio emailed to you

Check the box to "Mark voicemail as heard" -- to clear your unheard voicemail indicator

Check or Un-check the selection boxes to meet your needs

Note that your mailbox address is configured on your phone by the Randolph IT department.

This capability is only authorized for email addresses with the @RandolphUSA domain.

When an e-mail arrives, the audio format is in a .WAV file format.

These files can be played within a standard Windows audio application such as Microsoft Media Player or Groove.